• learning today,

    leading tomorrow

  • Welcome to Mitchell Academy!

    This website is dedicated to sharing our homeschooling journey with our friends and family.


    Keep scrolling to view our blog, the students' websites, our schedule, curriculum, and course descriptions. We also have a ton of information about homeschooling, the resources that we use, as well as the North Carolina standards for each grade level.


    Take a look around and don't forget to visit us again soon!

  • Our Mission

    Our purpose in homeschooling is to raise children who are godly and spiritually wise as well as skillful and knowledgeable in every area that will be useful to them as they serve and glorify the Lord in their future lives, families, and ministries to others.​


    In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson:

    "To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition. To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."

  • Our Blog

    Here's a sneak peek into what our days consist of...

    March 5, 2017
    Lego Club A "Build Your Own Marble Run" event at the North Regional Public Library. An AAU coach spotted Stewart's talent, recruited him to be on his team, and started working with him on the spot. Her replication of terraced farming from the Inca civilization. Playing with our 2-year old...
    December 9, 2016
    So much has happened in the past 3 weeks! We've made a few changes in our routine (more details in a future post) and so far, so good! Here are just a few images from our adventures!
    November 15, 2016
    Today marks the start of our 5th week of homeschooling. Here are just a few updates: I have learned that a set daily schedule doesn't really work for the kids. They tend to get really caught up in whatever subject is being presented and want to just dive in...so that's how I'm approaching...
  • Student Feedback

    Here's what our students have to say: ;)

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    October 17, 2016

    - Stewart, age 10

    "This feels so good!"

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    October 17, 2016

    - Peyton, age 7

    "I like homeschooling way better than regular school!"

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    October 18, 2016

    - Stewart, age 10

    "I kinda don't want to go do the relay races tomorrow cause I kinda just want to do only homeschooling."

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    October 18, 2016

    - Peyton, age 7

    "Don't send me back to school. Cause regular school is way awful and homeschooling is way more awesome!"

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    October 19, 2016

    - Stewart, age 10

    "Homeschooling is awesome! I love it! It's fun and educational and it makes me a lot smarter."

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    October 19, 2016

    - Peyton, age 7

    "Homeschooling is fun because I like doing math. We get to read fun books and watch BrainPop Jr videos and learn what stuff is."

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    November 01, 2016

    - Stewart, age 10

    "Homeschooling is really cool. I get to do a lot of different stuff and go a bunch of places."

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    March 5, 2017

    - Peyton, age 7

    "It's fun because I get to do multiplication and fractions. I like Art Club because I get to paint and I get to do arts and crafts. And I like Lego Club because I get to play with Legos."

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    March 5, 2017

    - Stewart, age 10

    "I feel like I've learned a lot. I like some of the clubs we do, like Art Club because I like the painting. It's really fun and awesome and not boring."

  • Our Websites

    Check out the websites that are being created by Stewart and Peyton!

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    Stewart's Website

    Stewart loves cool and interesting facts and he wants to share them with you! Visit Trey's Trivia! (His nickname is Trey.)

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    Peyton's Website

    Peyton is a budding artist and is compiling an online portfolio of her beautiful artwork! Visit Art by Lia! (Her middle name is Malia.)

  • Curriculum

    Here's a breakdown of our long-term scheduling goals.

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    Core Studies

    Studied daily, whenever possible

    • Prayer / Devotionals
    • Math
    • Writing
    • P.E.
    • Reading
    • Science
    • Social Studies
    • Spanish
    • English/Language Arts
    • Speaking Skills
    • Life Skills
    • Social Skills
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    Studied weekly (or more often)

    • Bible Study
    • Technology
    • Leadership
    • Art
    • Music
    • Poetry
    • Health
    • Foreign Languages
  • Courses Details

    • Bible Study (apply the Bible to real life through Bible stories and Scripture memorization that guide them in decisions and teach them how to honor God throughout their day-to-day lives)
    • Physical Education (Play60, train for 5K's, anatomy, general exercise, gym use, basketball, gymnastics, ballet, yoga, 21 Day Fix Extreme, etc.)
    • Technology / Computer Skills (graphic design, coding, desktop publishing, email use, creating websites, etc.)
    • Life Skills (cooking, chores, finances, meal planning, sewing, hygiene, cleaning, self-defense, first aid, time management, emotional awareness, self-regulation, etc.)
    • Leadership Skills (organization, decision making, risk management, positive attitude, self-motivation, giving and receiving feedback, etc.)
    • Social Skills (communication, listening, problem solving, negotiating, decision making, assertiveness, emotional development, responsibilities, teamwork, empathy, adaptability, optimism, etc.)
    • Math (instruction in all five major math content areas:  number and operations, algebra, geometry, data analysis and probability, and measurement)
    • Science (experiments, projects, virtual experiments, life science, earth science, scientific reasoning, physical science, etc.)
    • English / Language Arts (advanced grammar, morphology, spelling, and vocabulary while being immersed in academic texts and writing across multiple genres)
    • Poetry (exposure to various styles of poetry)
    • Social Studies (history, current events, communities, geography, ancient civilizations)
    • Spanish (listening, speaking, reading, writing, cultural awareness)
    • Art (art appreciation, visual media and techniques, etc.)
    • Music (music appreciation, instruments, cultural awareness, styles of music)
    • Public Speaking (presentation skills, dialogues, etc.)
    • Health (chemical and environmental health, nutrition, safety, first aid, growth and development, disease, etc.)
    • Writing (extensive writing practice, journaling, research papers, keyboarding, etc.)

  • Homeschooling Information

    Here's your chance to learn more about homeschooling!

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    Does Homeschooling Leave You Stuck at Home?

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    Homeschool Domination

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    20 Great Reasons to Homeschool

  • Our Resources

    Here are a few of the resources that we use to learn and stay on track!

    Alison Learning

    Writing Practice

  • DODEA SIS User Guide for Home Schooled Students




    All students must be register in the ASPEN student information system. Refer to the DoDEA home schooling policy for more information: http://www.dodea.edu/loader.cfm?csModule=security/getfile&pageid=134039

    Home School Auxiliary Active Students are students that use academic resources (textbooks, workbooks, scheduled standardized tests, software, and internet access); auxiliary services (access the media center/library of the school, after hour’s use of school facilities, and participate in music, sports, and other extracurricular and interscholastic activities). These home school students are coded under Enrollment/Student Type – Auxiliary and Enrollment Status - Active.

    Home Schooling that are Part-time Enrollment or Receiving Services Only: If a student takes one class or Special Education or 504 Accommodation services, they are considered a part-time student. A class is considered when a student receives a grade/behavior observation in a course (students in lower grades, i.e. PK/KN receive behavior observations instead of grade)s. The fact the students are taught at home for the other courses does not change their status, they are first a part-time DoDEA student. These home school students taking 1-3 classes are coded under Enrollment/Student Type – PT 1-3 Classes and Enrollment Status - Active.

    Home Schooling that are Full-Time Active Students are students that are receiving any Special Education or 504 Accommodation services, or receiving grade/behavior observations in 4 or more classes. Again, they are coded as fulltime DoDEA students even though they are taking some courses at home. These home school students are coded under Enrollment/Student Type – FT 4+ Classes and Enrollment Status - Active.



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    If you're in the giving mood :)

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